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Osu! on Linux

Osu works pretty well on Linux, it just requires a bit of configuration for low-latency playing.


  • Wine Staging (current version in Gentoo repos fix alot of issues in the older versions of wine)
  • Winetricks

Wine Gecko or Mono isn't needed, we won't be using them. This install assumes a default pulseaudio config. Staging is preferred over vanilla if possible, but osu! can run with vanilla just fine with some tweaks.


  1. Create an empty wineprefix, 64-bit works perfectly fine and is recommended if you want to use other windows applications too.
  2. Using winetricks, install dotnet48 and cjkfonts
  3. (optional) Install gdiplus. While this fixes the option menu icons and audio player icons, it breaks cjk fonts using the fontaliases that wine does by default, you will have to copy over windows fonts to fix this.
  4. Install osu! with their installer.
  5. Create a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications. See template.

.desktop Template

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=wine /home/<user>/.wine/drive_c/users/<user>/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/osu\!/osu\!.exe
#Exec=env PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=40 vblank_mode=0 wine /home/<user>/.wine/drive_c/users/<user>/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/osu\!/osu\!.exe
Comment=Weeb circle clicking game

Replace <user> with your Linux user. The commented Exec option is for an older version of wine that required PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=40 to prevent audio artifacts. vblank_mode=0 stops vsync if you are having issues with your desktop environment. Place osu.png in ~/.local/share/icons for a lovely icon.


  • While Poon's wine modifications seem to improve latency alot, the newer version of wine don't have as bad latency as the older ones and his patch no longer compiles on the latest staging version. Maybe I still should try it sometime though.
  • Play on unlimited framerate, you can notice a decrease in responsiveness otherwise.
  • Don't play with fucking mouse acceleration. You can disable it in GNOME with gnome-tweaks.




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