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math:x_factoring [2021/01/14 04:19] – created epixmath:x_factoring [2021/01/14 04:35] (current) – [Step 2 // Multipliers and a] explain the factors a bit more epix
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 ===== Step 2 // Multipliers and a ===== ===== Step 2 // Multipliers and a =====
-Now, for the two multipliers. If there is no $a$ value, this factoring method is extremely simple as it's practically plug 'n chug. However, if there is one, and especially if it is a composite number, it can get complicated quickly. For this example I chose one with an $a$ value to entice the brain a bit. If it is a prime number, the modifiers are easy as it **has** to be $1$ and the $a$ value. Note that the order of the modifiers does **not** matter((if you think about it, the x and y values would just swap places if they were flipped)). For composite numbers, you may have to guess and check for possible modifier/$x$/$y$ values, and here a factor tree for both the $a$ and $c$ values are extremely helpful. From anecdotal experience, try using the factors of $a$ that are closest together first (2 and 2 first before 4 and 1) as they tend to be correct more often than not. __2 and 2 are the correct multipliers for the example.__+Now, for the two multipliers, they will be the factors of $a$. If there is no $a$ value, this factoring method is extremely simple as they will both be $1$, thus it's practically plug 'n chug. However, if there is an $a$ value, and especially if it is a composite number, it can get complicated quickly. For this example I chose one with an $a$ value to entice the brain a bit. If it is a prime number, the modifiers are easy as it **has** to be $1$ and the $a$ value. Note that the order of the modifiers does **not** matter((if you think about it, the x and y values would just swap places if they were flipped)). For composite numbers, you may have to guess and check for possible modifier/$x$/$y$ values, and here a factor tree for both the $a$ and $c$ values are extremely helpful. From anecdotal experience, try using the factors of $a$ that are closest together first (2 and 2 first before 4 and 1) as they tend to be correct more often than not. __2 and 2 are the correct multipliers for the example.__
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