====== Solving Incline Plane Problems ====== Incline plane problems are an extension to [[physics:pully_problems|Pully Problems]]. The significant difference is the gravity (and thus normal force) of the object is indirectly offset by the incline. Take a look at this diagram. {{:physics:img_0096.jpeg?400|}} The relevant formulas are: * $g = 9.8$ $\frac{m}{s^2}$ * $W_1 = m_1g$ * $W_2 = m_2g$ * $F_n = W_1\cos\theta$((If friction is involved, you have to find the normal force with the [[physics:forces|friction equation]])) * $F_g = W_1\sin\theta$(($F_g$ is unlabeled, it is the force opposing tension on object 1)) To solve for the acceleration of the system we use the [[physics:forces|tension acceleration formula]]: $a = \frac{F_g - W_2}{m_1 + m_2}$((to include friction, subtract $F_r$ from the numerator aswell)) ===== Example ===== {{https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799681237152694302/803106417254596628/image3.jpg?width=517&height=689}}