====== Redox Reactions ====== Redox reactions are a type of chemical reaction where the oxidation states of the the atoms change. Atoms can oxidize((lose electrons)) or reduce((gain electrons)). ===== Calculating Oxidation Numbers of Atoms ===== There are a few rules that help you calculate the oxidation number. ==== Elements ==== Elements by themselves((includes diatomics)) are **always** 0. ==== Monotomic Ions and Ions in a Compound ==== They equal the charge of the ion. ==== Elements in an Covalent Compound ==== There are a few (more general) rules that can be used to determine the oxidation numbers. * The sum of all the atom oxidation charges will equal the charge of the compound((most of the time, 0, unless it's a polyatomic in which case it's gonna be the charge of the ion)) * Flourine is always 1- * Hydrogen is 1+ unless it is a hydride((hydrogen at the end of the molocule)) where it is 1- * Oxygen is 2- unless it is a peroxide where it is 1-